Archive for August 2006


Aug 31st, 2006 | By | Category: 90's, Grupos

Today, we make an archaeology exercise again looking for the memory of other insignificant group which has been lost in time, rarely vindicated, It seems that people have forgotten them, but they are still alive in the memory of those who knew them during their existence as a group. Because Strawberry Story was one of […]

Let Go Of Your Bad Days (2004)

Aug 27th, 2006 | By | Category: 00's, Discos

Summer days, stifling heat in front of the computer screen…It makes you don’t feel like playing a record. But days like these make easier the work of listening and writing about a record, because you need that your choice has lightness, coolness and immediacy. Records don’t have to change the history, they only have to […]


Aug 22nd, 2006 | By | Category: 90's, Grupos

I am conscious of the fact that I will never be able to increase the number of visitors if I continue writing about groups as Home and Abroad. However, It’s difficult for me to resist without talking about this group after having listened to them during their hole existence, eight years of career (1986-1994), they […]

My Diary (2006)

Aug 15th, 2006 | By | Category: 00's, Discos, Pop Asiático

A la hora de acercarse al debut de cualquier artista en muy contadas ocasiones nos encontramos con un trabajo que pueda llegar a calificarse de maduro, muchas otras son las cualidades que pueden adornar los primeros pasos de cualquier grupo, pero parece que la madurez se reserve a aquellos que aguantan cierto paso del tiempo […]

Offers in Hybris

Aug 13th, 2006 | By | Category: Chollos y Compras

Debido al descanso estival todavía no habíamos tenido oportunidad de comentar el buen momento para hacerse con las referencias del interesante sello Hybris. Y es que durante este verano podemos hacernos con cualquier Lp del sello por el razonable precio de $10 ó 9Eur más unos gastos de envío no exagerados. Es ésta una buena […]

The Return of The Hit Parade

Aug 10th, 2006 | By | Category: Novedades

Only a few lines to comment that Julian Henry and The Hit Parade comes back (at last!) with their new Lp. If their two last 7” Born in St Ives and My Stupid Band reached an high level (Julian Henry uses to do it this way), their new cd will probably be the best Pop […]

To the Citadel (1990)

Aug 9th, 2006 | By | Category: 80's, 90's, Discos, Grupos

I wouldn’t like that this web is a image of a lost cause demand, I only try to write about those groups who had touches me deeply all through the years, and, in most cases, they deserved more luck. The only thing I hope is that present-day records which are being commented have more fortune […]


Aug 9th, 2006 | By | Category: Comentarios, General

Web holidays have finished from today, this site will be brought to day. The rest month began without an special interest about buying records but finally, I have come back home with dozens of cd’s which were bought (most of them) in shops which are liquidating their existences because they are going to close down; […]