Archive for September 2006


Sep 28th, 2006 | By | Category: 00's, 80's, Grupos

Peace, it comes a moment when you would be satisfied only with little calmness and tranquillity. Not every week can be pleasant, and that misfortune of our lives, the work, it often takes you to the limit. And although I don’t like that the things that I write tell about nothing but music, today I […]

Todas Las Estrellas (2006)

Sep 24th, 2006 | By | Category: 00's, 90's, Discos, Grupos, Pop Español

It seems that those things that are yearned are those that take more time in arriving, in this way, and after three years of waiting to get the new job of Parade, I had to wait two exasperating weeks in which I was consumed by impatience until the post employee deigned to bring Todas Las […]

Oh Brother Where Art Thou? (1995)

Sep 10th, 2006 | By | Category: 90's, Discos

There are bands and records that seem to be completely unconcerned by the passage of time, conceived on the basis of influences with the profit of a sound as the only premise, this sound is identified to its creator. Unfortunately, the Indie Pop is a style (?) that fits to the groups who shelter under […]

The Return Of The Hit Parade (2006)

Sep 5th, 2006 | By | Category: 00's, Discos

Experience has made that we distrust those artists who after a few years decide to come back to the record world. That is the case of those who got great success which is explained in a simple way, in most cases money causes a return that usually results to be a failure. In the case […]

Nuevo disco de Parade

Sep 2nd, 2006 | By | Category: Bla Bla Bla, Pop Español

Por fín se anuncia la publicación de Todas Las Estrellas, el nuevo disco de Parade (Antonio Galvañ), probablemente el artista que retrata con mayor encanto los sentimientos, y aquel capaz de transportarnos de manera más efectiva al interior de las historias que cuenta en sus canciones. Desde hoy mismo podeis adquirirlo a través de la […]